Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Golden Spike

My head is so full of history right now. It is ashame that I will not remember all I have seen and read. We left SLC yesterday for a short trip to Snowville UT.
From Snowville we made a day trip to Promontory Point to visit the National Park, The Golden Spike. This National Park commemorates the driving of the last railroad spike to link the Central Pacific Railroad out of Calif. to the Union Pacific Railroad out of Omaha, Nebraska.It has the best gift shop and book store in its visitor's center that I have ever seen. So I bought a book about the settling of the West and one about the Momon's trip to SLC with handcarts.
Men of vision, in both cases, caused the Unites States to be changed. Lincoln had seen the Union about to segment when the South split away and the West felt it did not belong. So he had Congresss mandate the the transcontinental railroad. This brought major expansion to the West. The West could send its ores to the East, the East could manufacture parts and machinery and send it to the West.Money flowed in both directions.
We had a great time watching the beautifully restored or rebuilt engines chug along belching smoke and blowing their whistles. We then drove along the old railbed for a number of miles and marveled at the engineering and surveying that was done without a computer or GPS.
Count the stars on this flag....
Later that day we drove out to the Northern end of the Great Salt Lake. All that white on the shore is salt.

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